Self-Portrait as…

This is a series of Self-Portraits. They were made without the use of photo editing software to manufacture the imagery. Any change in the look of the figure was done at the time of the picture making. I colored my hair and grew a beard, but other than that I performed these roles with props in various locations.

I use homemade lenses to transform my figure into characters from my imagination. I think of each portrait like a person I have known. I wanted to make portraits that felt real as opposed to caricatures. I titled the characters with letters of the alphabet because I am more interested in the viewer continuing the story of who these ‘people’ were, rather than dictating who the character was to me.

For Mobile devices: Press menu for other Portfolios and information, white dot in bottom corner for titles once image is clicked

For Desktop: Click on image to enlarge or scroll from one to the next. Titles can be seen by hovering over the image once its clicked